2024년 12월 2일 열린 '제28회 LH 대학생 주택건축대전' 시상식에서 홍익대학교 박인서·기선도 팀이 '우리의 고(GO)장'으로 대상을 수상하였습니다.LH 대학생 주택건축대전은 1995년 시작된 국내 최대의 공동주택 아이디어 공모전입니다. 올해는 '지역과 청년의 동반 성장을 위한 열린 공동체 주거'를 주제로 진행되었습니다.'우리의 GO장'은 입주자가 공간을 자유롭게 조합하고 변화시킬 수 있는 가변형 모듈 시스템을 반영한 설계로 창의성과 유연성을 강조했습니다. 이를 통해 청년과 로컬 크리에이터 간의 소통과 협력을 유도하고 다채로운 커뮤니티 활성화가 가능한 혁신적인 공동체 주거 모델을 제시했다고 심사위원단은 평가했습니다.
대한건축학회가 주최한 2024 학생작품전에서 실내건축학과 4학년 유가영 학생이 우수상을 수상했습니다. 대한 건축학회는 건축계에서 가장 권위 있는 학술단체이며, 특히 해당학회가 매년 주최하는 학생작품전은 전국의 건축 관련 전공 학생들이 참가하여 치열하게 경쟁하는 대회로, 졸업 예정자 및 대학원생 중 학과의 추천을 받은 작품만이 심사를 받을 수 있는 대회입니다.유가영 학생은 "Symbiosis; 철새들의 생태적 경로 복원과 인류와의 공생"이라는 주제로 우수상을 수상하였습니다. 과거 산업현장의 산실이었던 폐조선소를 생태계 회복의 교두보로 삼고자 한다는 점에서 시의적절하면서도, 기후 변화의 시대에 우리 모두 가 관심을 가져야 할 지속가능성의 문제에 담대한 건축적 해결책을 제시했다는 점에서 높은 평가를 받았습니다.
건축학과 5학년 최호승 학생이 대한민국 건축대전(주제: 참여를 수용하는 미완의 건축)에서 대상을 수상했습니다. 대한민국 건축대전은 한국 건축계에서 가장 권위 있는 공모전으로, 국내외 건축가, 학생, 전문가들이 참여하여 건축 디자인과 아이디어를 경쟁하는 장입니다. 작품명: 구 장항제련소 중금속 오염부지 재생 계획안작품설명: THICK TO THIN · THIN TO THICK충남 서천과 전북 군산 사이에 위치한 장항 제련소 일대는 공장으로 대표되는 인공 개입에 의해 파괴된 하구 생태계에서 자연의 생명력과 가치를 보여 준다. 제련소의 매연에 기인한 토양 오염, 사망자 발생 이후 버려진 브라운필드에서, 기계가 자연을 파괴한 것과는 반대로, 기계의 개입을 통한 자연 회 복의 내러티브를 만들고자 자연을 회복하는 기계를 제안한다. 제안된 회복 기계는 오염된 부지를 회복하는 것에서 나아가 개발 예정인 금란도의 철새도 래지를 이어받으며 회복된 자연 생태계, 탐조 시설로서 역할을 수행할 것이다.제안된 기계는 기존 산업시설에서 공간과 기계가 분리되면서 생기는 한계와 지방 도시라는 조건을 직시하며 기계가 작동하며 동시에 그 자체로 공간이 되는 전원 농막의 형태를 띈다. 기계는 농막처럼 땅과 기존 연도-굴뚝 구조와 가볍게 만나며 주어진 환경에 최소한으로 개입한다. 레디메이드 기성 부재 를 활용한 구축은 지방도시에서 시공성과 경제성을 고려했으며, 향후 주변 농막에서 재활용될 가능성을 내포한다. 기계와 공간이 분리되지 않는 기계에 서 방문자는 기계로 둘러싸인 공간을 거닐며 동시에 자연 회복 과정을 감상한다. 자연 회복 기계는 장항 제련소의 잠재된 환경 - 해무, 지형, 식생 - 을 활용하여 자연을 회복하고 동시에 내제된 자연을 관람자에게 감각적 경험-바람 소리, 안개의 촉감, 날아다니는 씨앗과 물줄기, 지형-을 통해 전달한다.기계의 회복은 단기간의 작용이 아닌 자연을 통한 자생 회복이며, 오랜 시간에 걸쳐 잠재된 자연의 힘과 관람자들의 동력으로 회복된다.기계의 자연 회복에는 공백이 있다. 그 공백은 오랜 세월, 잠재된 자연, 관람자들의 참여로 채워진다. 산에서부터 시작하는 기계에서 뻗어 나오는 녹색의 바다는 산에서 들, 들에서 하구 연안까지 서로 인접한 생태계를 다시 연결하며 푸른 바다와 만난다. 자연적으로 회복된 장항 제련소 일대는 점차 철새도 래지로 자리매김한다. 얇은 기계의 띠는 점차 두꺼운 녹음의 띠가 되며, 더 이상 기계로 파괴된 자연이 아닌 기계에 의해 회복된 자연이 된다.이로써 공간과 기계, 자연과 인간의 이분법은 종결된다.
2024년 9월 27일, 공간그룹 주최의 제37회 공간국제학생건축상 심사에서 건축학전공 황윤환, 김현철, 정윤창 학생의 'Rhyzomorphic' 작품이 이 우수상을 수상하였습니다. [작품설명] Rhizomorphic 인류는 전쟁으로 사람과 자연에 깊은 상처를 남겨왔으며, 현재도 팔레스타인과 우크라이나에서 이러한 상처가 커지고 있다. 이 상처를 치유하기 위해 인류만을 생각한다면 자연은 더 큰 상처를 입게 될 것이다. 인류만을 위한 건축 행위철과 콘크리트를 사용하는 건축 행위는 지속 가능하지 않다. 팔레스타인의 15만 채가 넘는 주택을 기존 방식으로 재건할 경우, 최대 6,000만 톤의 이산화탄소가 배출되며, 대지 위에 놓일 콘크리트는 분해되지 않아 돌이킬 수 없는 결과로 인류에게 돌아올지도 모른다. 광범위한 재건이 필요한 지금, 인류와 자연이 함께 치유될 수 있는 건축 방식이 필요하다. 바이오 재료: 균사체우리는 친환경 재료로 주목받고 있는 '균사체'에서 그 가능성을 보았다. 균사의 섬유질 구조는 빠르게 성장하며 다양한 기질과 결합할 수 있어 지속 가능한 건축 자재로서 잠재력이 크다. 균사체는 곰팡이의 뿌리 같은 역할을 하며, 포자가 기질에 접종된 후 빠르게 성장해 뿌리처럼 확장된다. 이 과정에서 균사체는 기질을 네트워크처럼 연결해 고강도의 구조체를 형성하고, 건조 과정을 통해 단단한 패널 형태로 제작될 수 있다. 재건 마스터 플랜 “Rhizomorphic”우리의 재건 아이디어는 균사체의 생장 방식에서 영감을 얻었다. 균사체 공장을 중심으로 커뮤니티와 인프라를 형성하고, 그 주변으로 주택이 점차 확산된다. 이 재건 과정은 ‘접종-확산-순환’의 3단계로 이루어진다.1. 접종: 도시를 구역화하고, 각 구역에 균사체 배양 공장을 설치해 재건의 구심점을 만든다.2. 확산: 공장을 중심으로 학교, 기도실, 쉼터 등 필수시설이 확장된다. 생산된 균사체 패널은 현장으로 운반되어 목구조에 결합된다.3. 순환: 미래에 폐기되는 균사체 패널은 생분해되거나 비료로 재활용되어 생태계에 통합된다. 균사체를 통한 재건은 인류와 자연이 함께 치유될 수 있는 건축 행위가 될 수 있다. 파괴된 도시가 회복력 있고 지속가능한 공간이 되기를 희망한다.[심사평]세세한 부분까지 접근하고 표현도 뛰어난 수작이다. 공감하기 어려운 먼 미래가 아닌 당장의 현실을 다루고 있다는 점, 균사체라는 일반적이지 않은 건축재료를 이용한 점, 건축뿐만 아니라 커뮤니티, 도시 전체를 고려하는 등 매우 포괄적이고 다양한 면을 다루면서도 주제의 일관성은 유지하고 있는 점에서 높은 점수를 주었다. [관련 기사]https://vmspace.com/news/news_view.html?base_seq=MzIyMw== [공모전 정보]https://www.spacea.com/renew/prizeDetail_2024.html
건축학전공 박세원, 김현철 학생이 2024년 4월 YAC(Young architects competition) 에서 주최한 국제공모 Spaces for Fashion에서 Honorable mention(특선)을 하였습니다.Team name: Team 99sProject name: Artiscovery It is an important question of what the modern fashion museum, which will be located in beautiful natural scenery, will convey to visitors. Fashion is not far away, which may seem esoteric and difficult. We think about what to wear and what shoes to wear every day. There are many people on the street dressed in clothes that show their individuality. That’s right. A neighbor’s sweater, a coworker’s shirt, an old man’s hat...All of these everyday things are fashion, and art. The cylindrical exhibition space makes the visitors inside look like an exhibition like a mannequin.This allows visitors to discover that the fashions of the people around them are exhibits, and even art. The variable exhibition system provides a variety of exhibitions and conveys space, value, and meaning beyond the museum. [ More information ]Competition brief and results: https://www.youngarchitectscompetitions.com/past-competitions/spaces-for-fashion
건축학전공 김서진, 이예승, 임주혜학생이 홍익대학교 회화과 김제인학생과 함께 2023년 6월 YAC(Young architects competition) 에서 주최한 국제공모 Moon station에서 Finalist(입선)을 하였습니다. Team name: M_LKKL Project name: Promovilunis Since mankind took first step on the moon, they have been seen as a land to pioneer and settle in the universe, which was considered as unknown area before. MOON STATION presents a model of primitive society settling in space as an outpost for future space exploration. The base expands to the cave and the ground as starting at the cave and the pit’s contact point. The hall where people exchange and rest is on center. People expand their lives by expanding produce facilities and storage to the inside of caves, and laboratories and habitate protected by outer skin along the slope in pits expand to the ground. The Rover Hub, connected through the structure and airlock, is a platform that allows access to roads lined with the outer shell of the building, opening the possibility that the base can accommodate more people and resources. The module serves as a wall that divides space within the outer shell or is installed outside like a container. It also provides several types of space through dismantling and combining, and prepares for the uncertain and changing environment of the universe. P1. Settle in one pit and form a cycle that can be self-sufficient with a minimum number of people. P2. Form a road network of bases and gradually expand the base of life to the ground. The pit becomes unable to accommodate people and resources. P3. Builds same structure base in another pit and forms a network of roads between the bases. Our station starts with settling in a Lava Tube. Inside the tube, we create the shell of the plaza with a 3D printer while producing the modules. Then we place the produced modules in the cave and start living there. After finishing to place the modules inside the plaza, build a road to slope. At the end of the road, install a rover hub and build the shell of the dome that connects to it. Once the shell is complete, we go back inside to produce modules for the living habitat space and labs. In this way, we are gradually increasing the scope of the station. There are domes on the slope rising from the plaza to the ground. Inside the dome, modules are arranged in layers along the slope. Individually, the modules form habitat space. and when connected, they form laboratories. The Core connecting the modules up and down are designed to allow airlocks to intervene in case the modules are installed outside the shell. A plaza is located at the exit from the cave. The infirmary and gym are separated by modules functioning as wall, and inside the modules are hydroponic cultivate systems for plants. The large space in the center becomes a passage for people to come and go, but also it is like a cafeteria to rest. At the beginning of the cave, there are the underground laboratories and Energy production modules. Surplus resources and samples are stacked inside the cave as they are produced. Water and electricity pipe for use extend outside along ceiling. They link to pipes surrounding the pit that joins the electricity generated by the solar panels, and then they leads to the lab and habitat space. [ More information ] Competition brief and results: https://www.youngarchitectscompetitions.com/past-competitions/moon-station
건축학전공 고범석, 김시원, 임주혜, 정은아 학생이 2023년 4월 Buildner (Bee Breeders)에서 주최한 국제공모 Timber skyscraper competition에서 3rd prized & student award winner(전체 3위, 학생부문 1위)를 수상하였습니다. Team name: SWAH studio Project name: Rebuilding Green (R.G.) As desertification continues to spread worldwide, there are many projects aimed at turning deserts into green spaces. One of the most significant projects is the "Green Belt Plantation Project" in the dry regions of Mongolia. “Rebuilding Green(R.G.)serves as a research facility of the Mongolian Green Belt Plantation Project in which they have entered stage three. This research facility composes of commercial, laboratory, and residence areas. The building is constructed using a central tower crane. If the greening project around the building is successful, it will be demolished using the same tower crane. A single building can form an "urban forest" of approximately 10,000 square meters, and each module of the building can be used to put up constructions on the newly greened land. When R.G. is built, the area that was devastated by desertification and people leaving will soon become lively once again with the creation of urban forests. Desertification refers to a phenomenon in which forests and meadows in dry regions (including semi-arid and dry semi-wet areas) disappear and turn into deserts as rivers and lakes dry up, resulting in devastated land. According to the Global Land Outlook (2022), released by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), 40% of the world's land has been affected by desertification. If this continues, an additional 16 million square kilometers of land in South America will also be affected by 2050. Desertification will reduce food production by 12-14% and exacerbate food shortages, while releasing about 700 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, accelerating global warming. Many governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are closely monitoring Mongolia and promoting green belt afforestation projects. The green belt afforestation project has entered its third stage, which includes research in areas such as forest disaster management, ecotourism, mixed forest methods, and urban forest creation, building upon the existing desertification prevention afforestation efforts. R.G., which is being constructed to support the green belt afforestation project, will include research facilities for them. Once desert greening is complete and the buildings can be demolished to create urban forest, it will be able to solve desertification while also providing urban infrastructure. The R.G. consists of commercial, laboratory, and residence facilities. The core and toilets are arranged around the tower crane located in the center. There are three elevators in the building: one that is available from the 1st to the 55th floor, one for residence, and one for laboratory as well as commercial purposes. The building comprises two types of floors: indoor and outdoor. On indoor floors, people’s activities take place. The outdoor floors not only help high-rise buildings withstand wind pressure but also deliver fresh air to the indoor floors through the voids in the columns. The column voids are responsible for ventilation on all floors allowing dirty air to exit through windows on the indoor floors. It is also responsible for the electrical systems. The electrical wiring pipe supplies electricity from the first floor to the 55th floor through the void of the column. The tower crane is fitted with water tanks that provide water from the first floor to the 55th floor after R.G. is built. R.G. is constructed every 10,000 square meters, with a tower crane installed in the center of each building. The buildings are constructed using modular slabs, columns, beams, and other components. Upon the completion of the construction, a greening project will be carried out on the site by the laboratory. Researchers can use the commercial facilities located at the bottom of the building as well as the residential facilities that are located at the top. Once greening is completed, the demolition of the building will be carried out using the tower crane and the modular materials will be used to create a green city within the 10,000 square meter area. Some commercial facilities positioned at the bottom of the building will not be demolished, as they serve as important components of urban organizations. R.G. will be able to form 10,000 square meters of urban forest, encouraging people who had left due to desertification to return to their hometowns. [ More information ] Competition brief: https://architecturecompetitions.com/timberskyscraper/brief Competition results: https://architecturecompetitions.com/timberskyscraper/ Winner interview: https://architecturecompetitions.com/sht6-3rd-s-win-interview Article/News: https://bustler.net/news/9328/winners-of-the-skyhive-timber-skyscraper-competition-speculate-on-sustainable-tall-buildings
건축학전공 안슬비, 이예승, 임주혜, 황재필 학생이 2023년 8월 YAC(Young architects competition)에서 주최한 국제공모 Performing Oasis에서 Finalist(입선)을 하였습니다. Team name: H1O3+70 Project name: The Adenium < Siwa > Thinking about Siwa, the main objective of the project seems clear. It should be merged with the great landscape of Siwa oasis and desert, and should also fortify the experience in Siwa, the character of Siwa, the impression of people from the inner and outer. To Accomplish these objectives, we propose "the Adenium", which can make Siwa a dramatic place of site-specific art and performing while it preserves pre-existing conditions and respects the context of Siwa and surroundings < The Fort and > By its layers of circular wall, it becomes the fort by itself. Layers of Wall creates a space within the maze. Because of the maze and its diverse and every-different experiences inside of it, artists can create a masterpiece only could fit in the specific site of work. The artworks grouped by several sets will be replaced with new ones periodically and individually in the maze, so the visitors are able to walk along the path of the maze and create their own experiences to find their fate and impression by the artwork. And, by the rotation of artwork, the habitants of Siwa can also refresh the memory inside the fort and can have diverse experience by every visit. < The Pistil and The Leaves > As the rose and the heart of center of Siwa. Its central space, as it called by name of the pistil, makes the performing area that absorbs tremendous landscape of the desert. The fort-wall, as it called by name of the leaves, covers and protects the pistil by the sandblast from outside, and also it conceptually isolates the Adenium from the political conflicts around Siwa, while it creates diverse spaces inside and attract the visitors with a curiosity for the readied adventure. It seems like the pistil is the sole space for art, but the whole space around the pistil created by the presence of the leaves is a perfect place for the site-specific art of every genre. < The Oasis, The Oracle, The Vestige > For creating a new place on the remains of Siwa, delicately designed elements intensify the essence of place, Genius-Loci. The water flows and gathers in the Adenium is the metaphorical reference of the oases. The water circulates through the whole place and does clean up the sand dust and contamination all upon the place. Eventually, it would be filtered and reused, therefore circulates and gives no harm to surroundings. The sunlight and sunshade of the desert create a memorable situation for every visitor, furthermore, elaborately controlled sunlight and sunshade usage at the Adenium enhances the experience inside. Different kinds of light environment create dif ferent kind of feelings the visitors get, so the every experience inside of maze that could have been the same alters by every step they take, and make them able to feel the sacred by following the oracle given by the sun, the omnipresent existence above the sky. The remains of Shali being vulnerable to the environment of Siwa is partially preserved inside the Adenium and also used for intensifying the characteristics of Siwa. The context and the structure made by the remains are inherited as the pattern of circular fort-wall. And the existence of remains inside of spaces reminds the visitor and the habitants of the character and the historical background of the ShaIi of Siwa. < The Heart of Siwa, The Adenium > By those elements of it, the place becomes the heart of Siwa presently and also immortally. the Adenium not only creates exceptional experience for the visitors, but also gives a daily-based art experience for the habitants. The performers and the artists can have a chance to create their own site-specific masterpiece that can be harmonized only with Siwa. As the Adenium respects the pre-existing context, keeps varying between time to time, and evolves with the changing trends of art, it will be permenantly becomes the heart of Siwa, the rose of the desert, and the center of the global art, "The Adenium". [ More information ] Competition brief and results: https://www.youngarchitectscompetitions.com/past-competitions/performing-oasis
건축학전공 고범석, 김시원, 임주혜, 정은아 학생이 2022년 5월 Buildner (Bee Breeders)에서 주최한 국제공모 Modular home competition에서 honorable mention(4위)을 수상하였습니다. Team name: SWAH studio Project name: All 4 one It is a house prepared for convenient transportation and installation. The module is equipped with everything necessary for daily life, and the house is completed by merely opening and connecting the module. The size and shape of the modules are constant, and the modules are manufactured to be used as the kitchen, living room, and bathroom. A total of four modules make up a basic home. If you want to move, simply fold the module back, organize it and move it to the container. The user customizes the module based on the usage configuration they want at home, via the application. The modules including all the parts are factory built on order. The completed modules are compactly folded and the four modules forming each house are loaded in one container. The connected module may replace the container box. Modules placed on site can be unfolded by hand. The level may be adjusted by adjusting the height of the foundation according to the state of the ground surface. Then connect the modules to complete your home! The purpose of this house is determined by the spinning and pushing furniture customized by the users. The facility is 200*50mm per plate and inserted according to the room's purpose, creating a pleasant indoor environment. All furniture can be used after being rotated or pushed by hand. In addition, all rooms are bounded by open walls, so you can open them if necessary to enlarge the space. [ More information ] Competition brief: https://architecturecompetitions.com/modularhome2/brief Competition results: https://architecturecompetitions.com/modularhome2/ Winner interview: https://architecturecompetitions.com/mod-6-hon-interview Buildner Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CnFBGmUPcvk/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
건축학전공 5학년 박지윤학생의 '비워지는 도시, 그린루프시스템' 작품이 지난 10월29일 한국건축가협회 주최 대한민국건축대전에서 최우수상을 수상하였습니다. 공실화된 지방도시 구도심 내 건물들을 활용하여 도심농업에 필요한 수자원을 공급하고 친환경 도심농업을 통한 도시활성화를 제시하는 설계입니다. 국내 지방도시들의 고질적 문제들을 과감히 다룬 시의성과 2개의 문제들을 서로 엮어 창의적 해법을 제시한 점이 돋보였습니다.