

‘Timber skyscraper competition’ 3rd prized & student award winner_고범석, 김시원, 임주혜, 정은아
  • 작성일 2024.01.11
  • 조회수 605


건축학전공 고범석, 김시원, 임주혜, 정은아 학생이 20234Buildner (Bee Breeders)에서 주최한 국제공모 Timber skyscraper competition에서 3rd prized & student award winner(전체 3, 학생부문 1)를 수상하였습니다.




Team name: SWAH studio

Project name: Rebuilding Green (R.G.)

As desertification continues to spread worldwide, there are many projects aimed at turning deserts into green spaces. One of the most significant projects is the "Green Belt Plantation Project" in the dry regions of Mongolia. “Rebuilding Green(R.G.)serves as a research facility of the Mongolian Green Belt Plantation Project in which they have entered stage three. This research facility composes of commercial, laboratory, and residence areas.

The building is constructed using a central tower crane. If the greening project around the building is successful, it will be demolished using the same tower crane. A single building can form an "urban forest" of approximately 10,000 square meters, and each module of the building can be used to put up constructions on the newly greened land. When R.G. is built, the area that was devastated by desertification and people leaving will soon become lively once again with the creation of urban forests.

Desertification refers to a phenomenon in which forests and meadows in dry regions (including semi-arid and dry semi-wet areas) disappear and turn into deserts as rivers and lakes dry up, resulting in devastated land. According to the Global Land Outlook (2022), released by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), 40% of the world's land has been affected by desertification. If this continues, an additional 16 million square kilometers of land in South America will also be affected by 2050. Desertification will reduce food production by 12-14% and exacerbate food shortages, while releasing about 700 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, accelerating global warming.


Many governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are closely monitoring Mongolia and promoting green belt afforestation projects. The green belt afforestation project has entered its third stage, which includes research in areas such as forest disaster management, ecotourism, mixed forest methods, and urban forest creation, building upon the existing desertification prevention afforestation efforts. R.G., which is being constructed to support the green belt afforestation project, will include research facilities for them. Once desert greening is complete and the buildings can be demolished to create urban forest, it will be able to solve desertification while also providing urban infrastructure.


The R.G. consists of commercial, laboratory, and residence facilities. The core and toilets are arranged around the tower crane located in the center. There are three elevators in the building: one that is available from the 1st to the 55th floor, one for residence, and one for laboratory as well as commercial purposes. The building comprises two types of floors: indoor and outdoor. On indoor floors, people’s activities take place. The outdoor floors not only help high-rise buildings withstand wind pressure but also deliver fresh air to the indoor floors through the voids in the columns. The column voids are responsible for ventilation on all floors allowing dirty air to exit through windows on the indoor floors. It is also responsible for the electrical systems. The electrical wiring pipe supplies electricity from the first floor to the 55th floor through the void of the column. The tower crane is fitted with water tanks that provide water from the first floor to the 55th floor after R.G. is built.

R.G. is constructed every 10,000 square meters, with a tower crane installed in the center of each building. The buildings are constructed using modular slabs, columns, beams, and other components. Upon the completion of the construction, a greening project will be carried out on the site by the laboratory. Researchers can use the commercial facilities located at the bottom of the building as well as the residential facilities that are located at the top. Once greening is completed, the demolition of the building will be carried out using the tower crane and the modular materials will be used to create a green city within the 10,000 square meter area. Some commercial facilities positioned at the bottom of the building will not be demolished, as they serve as important components of urban organizations. R.G. will be able to form 10,000 square meters of urban forest, encouraging people who had left due to desertification to return to their hometowns.


[ More information ]

Competition brief: https://architecturecompetitions.com/timberskyscraper/brief

Competition results: https://architecturecompetitions.com/timberskyscraper/

Winner interview: https://architecturecompetitions.com/sht6-3rd-s-win-interview

Article/News: https://bustler.net/news/9328/winners-of-the-skyhive-timber-skyscraper-competition-speculate-on-sustainable-tall-buildings